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My Tips to Have a Happy Marriage

The engagement period is not enough to get to know well the person to whom you will live by his/her side "all his/her life", yes! Because marriage is for "all life". Only the daily coexistence will provide little by little the unknown data that during the romance of courtship can never be obtained.

  1. Approach to God. Because marriage represents the maximum love between a man and a woman, it must be conjugated according to the divine purpose with a great sense of humility, joy, delicacy, fidelity, patience, enthusiasm, loyalty, trust among other virtues, that only He can give. Being close to God is essential to nurture the love of the couple.

  2. He/She is always first. Give at all times the right place, husband/wife, to each one. The couple first and then the others.

  3. Respect and communication. These are very important, otherwise the couple will be individuals thinking about different things and going in different directions. Being honest with each other is vital.

  4. Details in piles. It does not require huge expenses of money. A simple "I love you", a delicate gesture of affection, some flattering words, an unexpected kiss on the cheek, a cup of coffee in the morning, remember the anniversaries, a text message on the mobile phone, a call in the middle of the morning ..., will draw a smile on the face of the couple and at home there will be peace, harmony, and happiness. It will be a "bright and cheerful home".

  5. Give up. Although it is common to believe that you are always right, in marriage it is elementary to give your arm to twist, because you are not always right. Giving up in the name of love and harmony is heroic.

  6. Be well presented. Take care of each other's personal appearance. Find time to go to the beauty salon, to the barbershop, to the spa to maintain the radiant aspect of the first days. Dress to impress him/her.

  7. Spend some time alone. Go out for dinner, to the movies, to share a cup of coffee, ice cream or a few drinks. Take a moment to talk. These moments foster the marriage relationship and are conducive to getting to know each other more.

The in-laws With matrimony, the couple acquires a new family: the in-laws, brothers-in-law, nephews, others. Marriage is a "complete package" that must remain during "the good and the bad, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty ..." Understanding, communication, generosity and a lot of patience will be required from both partners to successfully maintain good relations among both families, more important between the spouses. In every marriage, there are situations along the way. The interesting thing is to learn to cope with them. Be smart, stubborn, firm, patient and very creative. Marriage, as we have learned, is an indissoluble but beautiful bond between two persons that love and respect each other. Both must overcome with patience all the setbacks and difficulties that come during their journey. Share joys and sorrows, celebrate triumphs and learn from defeats. Always two as one, never individually, no longer two separate individuals, thereafter they become ONE.

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